24 Nov Jorupe NR

The day was spent in and around the Jorupe Nature Reserve near Urraca  Lodge.  

After a short time watching the birds around the lodge, we walked a short distance to a hide with the hope of seeing a Pale-browed Tinamou.  We didn't have to wait that long before the Tinamou appeared allowing some photos in rather poor light.  We also saw variety of species including Blue-ground Dove, White-tailed Jay, Black-capped Sparrow, White-edged Oriole and Scrub Blackbird.  

Pale-browed Tinamou - We had previously heard this species late in the day on 23rd so it was good to see it here.  
The species could be regarded as a near Endemic to both Ecuador and Peru
as there are fairly limited populations in both countries.

White-edged Oriole
A species restricted to the western part of Ecuador and NW Peru.

Collared Antshrike - Found is Ecuador and NW Peru.

Fulvous-faced Scrub Tyrant - Our only sighting of this species which is only found in western parts of Ecuador and Peru.

King Vulture - Although a very widespread species, we only saw this species on this one day. 
It is found from Southern Mexico to Northern Argentina.

Sooty-Crowned Flycatcher - We did see this species on three days despite it's very restricted range. 
It is only found in Western Ecuador and NW Peru.

Blue Ground Dove - A widespread species from Southern Mexico
to the northern half of Brazil.

We spent some time trying to see the elusive Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner which was regularly calling nearby.  The bird was extremely difficult to see but after several attempts we did manage to see the bird but there was no chance of getting any photos.

Nearby we saw a rather nice Ecuardorian Piculet and a Yellow-tailed Oriole.

Ecuadorian Piculet - A near Ecuadorian endemic but also found in NW Peru. 
We only saw this species at Urraca Lodge.

Yellow-tailed Oriole - Our only sighting.  
Found from Southern Mexico to Northern Peru.


Rufous-headed Chachalaca - Seen in the bird feeding area at Urraca  Lodge. A near Ecuadorian Endemic with just small populations in Colombia and Peru.

White-tipped Dove - We saw this common and widespread several times. 
It is distributed from Texas to Argentina.

Guayaquil Squirrel - A species only found in Ecuador and Peru. 
We had several sightings during the trip.


In the afternoon we travelled a short distance to an area that held Watkin's Antpitta and Elegant Crescent-chest.  Both were rather active but extremely difficult to see but eventually we all managed to tick them off, but unfortunately no photos.  In the same area we also saw Ecuadorian Trogon, Plumbeous-backed Thrush, Squirrel Cuckoo, Tropical Parula and Yellow-olive Flatbill.

Plumbeous-backed Thrush - Only seen on this day. 
A species with a range limited to Western Ecuador and NW Peru.  

Tropical Parula - Found in much of Central America and South America.

Yellow-olive Flatbill - Our only sighting of this species which is found from Southern Mexico to the northern half of South America.

Ecuadorian Trogon - A near Ecuadorian Endemic with a range
from Western Ecuador to NW Peru.


Then we returned to Urraca Lodge for dinner, go through the call-over for the day and overnight stay.

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