28 Nov Copalinga NR

Copalinga Lodge - the dining and bird viewing area.

From the lodge at Copalinga we headed to the Podocarpus National Park that is home to several interesting species.  We were escorted by a local guide but failed to see the Purplish Jacamar or xxxxxx Parakeet at the salt lick.  We had more luck with the Amazonian Umbrellabird and Andean Cock of the Rock, although the views were fairly brief in the thick forest.  There were many other species in the park and those we managed to see included Sickle-winged Guan, Plumbeous Pigeon, Green Hermit, Wire-crested Thorntail, Plumbeous Kite, Lafresnaye's Piculet, Collared Forest-falcon, Paradise Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager and Golden-eared Tanager.

Amazonian Umbrellabird - Our only chance to see this bird of the Amazonian region
and adjacent Andean slopes.

Sickle-winged Guan - Found in subtropical zones on both slopes of Andes,
from Colombia to Bolivia.

Paradise Tanager - A widespread species found across
much of the NW part of South America.

Paradise Tanager - Showing more of the colours of this stunning bird.

Green Hermit - This hummer proved hard to photograph as it refused to leave the thick undergrowth.  The range extensions from Costa Rica to Panama and from Trinidad and Tobago to the Bolivian border.

Lunch was back at the lodge and there we managed to see a good number of hummingbirds including Violet-fronted Brilliant, Amethyst Woodstar, Violet-headed Hummingbird, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Fork-tailed Woodnymph and Glittering-throated Emerald.

Violet-fronted Brilliant - Found in the Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia.

Silver-beaked Tanager - Widespread across the northern half of
South America down to Paraguay.

Orange-bellied Euphonia - Found mainly down the west side of South America from Venezuela to Bolivia but with a smaller population through Brazil to the Atlantic coast.

Buff-throated Saltator - A widespread and common species from
Southern Mexico to Paraguay.

Maran White-fronted Capuchin - lives in wet forests of the upper Amazon
basin in southern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, northeastern Peru


In the afternoon we drove along a track near the lodge.  It started to rain steadily.  We managed to see a White Hawk overhead circling with a Mottle-backed Elaenia.  Close to a house with nice gardens we saw Mottle-backed Elaenia, Amethyst Woodstar and White-eyed Parakeet.

Mottle-backed Elaenia - Found along along the eastern base of the Andes
from Colombia to Bolivia.

White-eyed Parakeet  - A very widespread species which is found in
every country in South America, except for Chile.

Speckled Chachalaca - Found in NW South America from the Venezuela border into Bolivia and central Brazil


Before heading back to the lodge we went to a site where we might see  Blackish Nightjar.  It was almost dark when we arrived and soon one was flushed from fairly close to the road. We moved along the road and most of us had rather brief views.

It was then a short drive bacl to Copalinga Lodge for dinner and the days call over.

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