27 Nov

After breakfast at Casa Simpson Lodge, we had a fairly short walk around one of the trails.  Here we saw Grey-breasted Mountain-toucan, Rufous-crowned Tody Flycatcher and Smoky Bush Tyrant.  We also heard Golden-plumed Parakeet and Equatorial Antpitta

Rufous-crowned Tody Flycatcher - This species is only found in the Andes
in NW Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and N Peru.


We then started on the journey to Copalinga  with a few birding stops along the way.  Firstly a stop at a river where we looked for Torrent Ducks but failed to see any.  We did however manage to see Fasciated Tiger-Heron, Black Phobe and White-capped Dipper.  Some smart Vermillian Flycatchers were feeding from wires nearby as were some Cliff Flycatchers.

Fasciated Wren - This species is only found in Ecuador and Northern Peru,
but our experiences were that is it not uncommon in these areas.

Vermilion Flycatcher - A species we were very familiar with! 
A really widespread species from in much of the USA through to much of Argentina,
with a population in the Falkland Islands!

Russet-backed Oropendola - disappearing into it's nest which was under construction! 
Found from Venezuela to Bolivia and also in parts of Brazil.

Cliff Flycatcher - This is a widespread species that is found from Northern
South America right down to Argentina and Uruguay. 

Cliff Flycatcher - Showing the extensive wing and tail markings.

Fasciated Tiger Heron


We arrived at Copalinga Lodge late afternoon and managed to spend a short time watching the Hummingbird feeders before a walk on a trail in the grounds of the lodge, before dark.  We managed to see Grey Tinamou, Orange-billed Sparrow, Grey-fronted Dove, Rufous-headed Pygmy-tyrant and White-necked Thrush.

Many-spotted Hummingbird - A cloud forest species which ranges along
the east slope of the Andes from far southern Colombia south to Bolivia

Violet-fronted Brilliant - Another cloud forest bird that is found
from Venezuela to Bolivia.

Violet-headed Hummingbird - A more widespread species.  Found from
Guatemala, down through Central America and from Venezuela to Bolivia.

Grey Tinamou - The range extends from Venezuela in an arc through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia fanning out into Brazil.

Orange-billed Sparrow - The distribution extends from Southern Mexico through
Central America to Colombia, Ecuador and Northern Peru.

White-necked Thrush - Initially thought to be a Pale-eyed Thrush, this photo showed it to be a White-necked Thrush.  A widespread species that is found from Northern South America south to Uruguay.

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